Cambridge Moves for mental Health

Cambridge Moves for Mental Health is Porchlight's signature community fundraising event, now in its third year, where participants are encouraged to raise donations and complete a 2.5km or 5km route by walking, rolling, running, or moving in any other way which brings them joy - all in support of mental health services in Cambridge and North Dumfries.

Porchlight is a registered charity, now in its 85th year, which has been offering accessible and affordable mental health supports in Cambridge and North Dumfries since 1940. Our services include one to one counselling, group therapy, addiction services, Waterloo Region's only two addiction recovery homes, in-school programming for youth, and rural community outreach. We're the only mental health not-for-profit centred in Cambridge and we rely on support and donations from our community to provide these vital services.

Event Details


Want to participate in this year's Cambridge Moves for Mental Health as an individual or on a team?

Register to walk, roll or run the route and to raise support!


Can't participate in person, or want to donate to a team or individual who will be participating?

Amazing! Thank you for your support!


Cambridge Moves for Mental Health is a major event which wouldn't be possible without an incredible team of volunteers.

If you're available to volunteer before or during the event, please let us know!

Cambridge Moves for Mental Health is back for another year!

Cambridge Moves for Mental Health is a unique community fundraising event, now in its third year, where participants are encouraged to raise donations from supporters and complete one lap (or more!) of a 2.5km route in downton Cambridge by walking, rolling, running, or moving in any other way which brings them joy - all to support mental health in Cambridge, North Dumfries and the broader community.


  • Location: Cambridge Civic Square, in front of City Hall, 50 Dickson St., Cambridge
  • Date: Saturday May 10th.
  • Important Times:
    • Sign-in for participants begins at 10:30am at Cambridge Civic Square.
    • Activities begin at 11:00am, with a welcome from Porchlight Executive Director Cameron Dearlove and other dignitaries.
    • The marching route will open at 11:30am.
    • A light lunch and family friendly entertainment will be available starting at 11:50am at Cambridge Civic Square.

Sign up now, to join us on May 10th when we will gather at Cambridge Civic Square to begin our march, and to collect donations from your family, friends, co-workers, and networks for this incredible cause.

When you sign-up, you can choose to:

  • Start a team - Want to invite others to participate? Why not start a team and organize your friends, co-workers, neighbours or others to join in together!
  • Join an existing team - Does a team already exist for your work-place or group? Join it and compete with other teams for number of participants and donations gathered!
  • Participate individually - Just want to join the event yourself? Sign-up to participate on your own and join in all the fun!

Can't attend on May 10th? You can still donate in support of accessible mental health in our community!

Sponsorship opportunities are available.

Please direct all inquiries to Jonathan at

More information


Cambridge Moves for Mental Health would not be possible without volunteers.

We rely on volunteers to help marshal the route, prepare and distribute lunches, set-up and help take down equipment, chairs & tables, and for a variety of other tasks before, during and after the event.

If you are able to volunteer, please complete the form to the right or email Jonathan at and we'll be in touch.



This event not only raises funds in support of mental health services in our community, it also helps to fight the stigma around mental health by highlighting services and showing support for those experiencing mental health related challenges.

Following the march, everyone is invited to join us for a light lunch and entertainment back at Cambridge Civic Square.

Can't join us? Why not sponsor someone else's participation by donating through a team or individual page?

Porchlight is committed to making this an accessible event and you are invited to complete the march by walking, rolling, running, or moving in any other way of moving which brings you joy. Four-legged participants are also welcome. If you have any concerns about accessibility, you're invited to reach out to Jonathan, the event's accessibility officer, at


Do you represent a local charity or community organization that provides important local services and would like to raise funds for your work through Cambridge Moves for Mental Health?

For the first time, this year, Porchlight is inviting eligible* charities and community organizations to join the campaign as "Beneficial Partners" and will split all funds raised through your organization's team page 50/50 to support your work.

Porchlight recognizes that mental health is impacted by many factors which are beyond the scope of our services, but which may be served by other local charities and organizations. Events of this scale take significant resources to organize, and we want to support other organizations who are providing these important services.

Organizations wishing to participate should reach out to the campaign organizer, Jonathan, by email at

*Eligibility for “beneficial partners” will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and Porchlight reserves the right to deem an entity ineligible or any or no reason at its sole discretion including perceived reputational impact partnership may have upon Porchlight. In general, entities that provide not-for-profit services within Waterloo Region will be considered eligible. For-profit organizations, political entities, and entities that do not operate within Waterloo Region will be deemed ineligible. Religious organizations will generally be deemed eligible, so long as the funds are dedicated to a specific program of general community service that does not restrict access based upon prohibited grounds of discrimination as identified in the Canada Human Rights Act.