Turning on the Porchlight: FCC Reveals New Name and Logo

Family Counselling Centre of Cambridge and North Dumfries is proud to share our new name and brand identity as of Tuesday, October 11th: Porchlight Counselling and Addiction Services.  

After welcoming the Cambridge Addiction Services program to our team in 2019 and going through a Strategic Planning process in 2022, our Board and Staff decided that our organization needed a new name that better reflected the breadth of programs and services we offer. Yesterday, Executive Director Cameron Dearlove officially announced our new name and look to the community in front of our Men’s Recovery Home at Wanner Mennonite Church.  

To leave a Porchlight on for someone is an act of care and hospitality. It says, “I am thinking of your safe arrival and well-being.” To arrive somewhere - perhaps after a long and difficult journey - to find the Porchlight has been left on tells you that you have arrived at a place where people care about you. This is the feeling we want everyone walking through our doors to have: no matter your journey, we are leaving the Porchlight on because we care about you, and we are glad that you arrived.  

While we have dropped the long geography from our name, our commitment to Cambridge and North Dumfries has never been stronger.  It is community member's voices that inform our advocacy work, pointing us towards a future where we prioritize the emotional health and well-being of all community members.